In the TV movie The Building, a pregnant woman named Jules (Erica Durance) discovers that through her new baby monitor she can listen in on calls made by her neighbors living in her apartment building. It’s fun at first but then she overhears an exchange between a woman and a man that sounds like they’re plotting to murder someone. She reports the conversation to the police but they don’t really believe her. And then she notices a menacing man named Monk in the hallway.
[Who Is Pregnant Reporter Jules In ‘The Building’ LMN Movie?]
Monk is portrayed by Adrian Holmes. Americans will recognize the Welsh-born actor from his roles on Arrow (Lt. Frank Pike), Cedar Cove (Mike), and Smallville (Basqat). He’s also appeared on the big screen in the 2011 film Frankie & Alice opposite Halle Berry, and in the 2013 film Elysium with Matt Damon and Jodie Foster, among others. The Building will premiere on LMN on October 16 at 8pm. It will air again on October 17 at 12am and October 24 at 6pm.