In the TV movie Dangerous Company, Pauline Mitchell runs a successful clothing company created by her late mother, who later in life suffered from dementia. Pauline is fearful of inheriting the same condition when she starts misplacing things and losing track of time. She thinks she has symptoms of Alzheimer’s. But it shouldn’t come as a surprise to Lifetime fans that her husband is involved in her declining health. He — with the help of her secretary — is conspiring to drive her nuts and to her death so he can inherit the company.
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Pauline is portrayed by Alicia Leigh Willis. She’s best known for her roles on The L Word (Cindi Annabelle Tucker), American Heiress (Elizabeth Wakefield), General Hospital (Courtney Matthews), and 7th Heaven (Corey Conway). Willis’ real parents (Leigh and David) played her parents on 7th Heaven! Dangerous Company will premiere on LMN on September 25 at 8pm. It will air again on September 26 at 12am and October 3 at 6pm.