Woe betide the journalist who asks Tom Hardy inappropriate questions: he’s liable to get spectacularly shot down. Hardy didn’t think a Toronto Film Festival press conference last Sunday was the proper time and place to consider a question about his sexuality. An awkward moment followed. In a lengthy interview with The Daily Beast, the Legend actor explains his feelings on invasion of privacy. “I’m under no obligation to share anything to do with my family, my children, my sexuality—that’s nobody’s business but my own. And I don’t see how that can have anything to do with what I do as an actor, and it’s my own business. If you knew me as a friend, then sure, we’d talk about anything … but to put a man on the spot in a room full of people designed purely for a salacious reaction? To be quite frank, it’s rude.”
In a wide-ranging interview, the man frequently called the best actor of his generation also discusses his admiration for his old friend Michael Fassbender, his love of dogs and hatred of poaching, his mixed feelings about veganism, production problems on his upcoming movie The Revenant, working with the late Philip Seymour Hoffman, and the sequel to Mad Max: Fury Road. “I keep calling up Warner Bros. and saying, ‘Are we green-lit? Are we good? I want to get me leathers back on!’ And I want a dog. Mad Max has got to have a dog!”