On the new NBC sitcom Mr. Robinson, Craig Robinson (Craig Rice, The Office) is a music teacher in a big-city middle school who still has high hopes of landing a record deal. But teacher politics and the temptations of single moms get in the way. It’s an all-star cast. Peri Gilpin, best known as Roz Doyle from Frasier, plays Principal Taylor.
Supervisor Dalton also gets in Craig’s way. He’s portrayed by actor Tim Bagley. Bagley’s been in everything from Coach, Seinfeld and Wings to Ellen, ER and The Closer. He’s best known for his recurring roles on Will & Grace (Larry), The King of Queens (Glenn), According to Jim (Tim Devlin), and Monk (Harold Krenshaw). Mr. Robinson will premiere August 5 at 9pm and 9:30pm on NBC.