In the movie Bad Behavior, Zoe agrees to babysit for a seemingly nice family with three kids. She should have known trouble was coming when she met the mother who’s portrayed by Linda Hamilton, Sarah Connor of The Terminator franchise. (Ted McGinley of Married with Children plays the father.) With the parents out of town, Zoe spends the night only to wake up barricaded in the bathroom with the two youngest children. The older brother goes psychotic. Is it safer to stay locked up and wait for the parents or does Zoe try to escape?
Actress Hallie Hirsh portrays the babysitter. She’s best known for her role as Dr. Mark Greene’s daughter Rachel in ER and as Harm’s ward Mattie Grace Johnson on JAG. She also played Tom Hank’s 8-year-old niece in You’ve Got Mail. Bad Behavior will premiere on LMN on Sunday, July 5 at 8pm.