Oscar winning actress Marisa Tomei (My Cousin Vinny) has been cast to play Spider-Man’s elderly Aunt May in the reboot. Some Spider-Man loyalists took to Twitter to complain that Tomei, who is 50, is too young and attractive to portray Aunt May. In the comic books, Aunt May appears more like Peter Parker’s great aunt. She is heavily wrinkled with white hair and wears a demure high-collared housedress and apron. Other defended the choice of Tomei. Fifty seems more realistic for the age of Peter Parker’s aunt than 70.
Tomei has been asked numerous times about what it’s like to get older in Hollywood as a female actor. She had a great reply last year. She told The Daily Beast that it’s getting better. She mentions the careers of Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett. And then she drops this: “But as far as my career goes, I always joke around with my brother that I’ve scratched and clawed my way to the middle!” Spider-Man 3 will be released in 2016.