Kanye West told Caitlyn Jenner what he thinks of her courageous transition, in the most Kanye-like language possible. Beyond his immense ego and Kardashian marriage, the singular rapper is known for long, inspiring and often inscrutable monologues. (So much so that listicles are given titles like “The 17 Best Kanye Rants of 2013.”)
But while a Kanye rant can rage at injustice, he’s also quick and generous with praise. (Remember what an artist Beyonce is!) When Kanye makes his cameo on the debut of Jenner’s new show, I Am Cait, he’s in full-on praise mode — and not too long-winded either. (It’s a show, after all, not a concert.) How does Kanye describe Jenner’s transition? Like this: “one of the strongest things that have happened in our existence as human beings that are controlled by perception.” Nobody else has put together that particular string of words. Ever. Cait seemed to like it.