Over time, reuseable portable water bottles develop stains and odors. The typical method for cleaning them is the dishwasher but that can’t get all those stinky, crusty crevices clean. Two mountain bikers came up with Bottle Bright, an effervescent cleaning tablet for the job. The Bottle Bright founders are all about social enterprise, too. Recognizing that their solution had practical global application beyond the situation they were trying to solve, the entrepreneurs give away their products to people in “vital need” whenever anyone makes a purchase.
[LEFT: Bottle Bright cleans water bottles, travel mugs and more]
It’s easy to use. Just fill your bottle with water and drop the tablet in. Dump it out and rinse. The tablet uses all natural ingredients so there’s no odor, no residue. One 12-count pouch goes for $7.99 — click above.