Comedian Sarah Silverman apologized for mentioning an old employer in recounting an episode where she was paid less than a man for the same job. (Silverman’s apology isn’t for the story itself–it’s just for calling out the employer by name.) The apology comes with a warning, too. Silverman was asked if in an interview with Levo (below) if she could recall an experience where she was victimized by the wage gap–that is, paid less than a man for the same work. The straight-shooting comedian recalled a set she’d done long ago where she got cab money and her friend, comedian Todd Barry, got $60.
When the employer, a comedy club owner, heard about Silverman’s tale he went on Facebook to correct the facts as he remembers them. Silverman sticks by her version, but doesn’t really think the experience is illustrative of the wage gap the way most women experience it. She also gives kudos the the comedy club owner, who she says “employ(s) women and pay(s) them the same as the men I’m sure.” But Silverman’s warning was clear: “To the maniacs who want to use this as a chit against women’s issues, I ask that you please don’t. Because that would be super sh–ty. Feel free to aim your vitriol at me but leave this issue of working women out of it, K?”