A design flaw in Marco Rubio’s campaign logo leaves out the two most recent states to join the Union, Alaska and Hawaii. So while the text of the slogan reads “Marco Rubio: A New American Century”, you’d need to go back to the 19th century–if you’re counting by centuries–to make Rubio’s map accurate.
The designer decided to dot the “i” in Rubio with a illustration of the 48 contiguous states. It doesn’t make for a very felicitous-looking “i”, but that’s not the main objection. The problem is the clear neglect of two vital states. As Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii quickly points out, Rubio’s priorities are “out of line” with what’s best for her state. No word from Sarah Palin–yet.
There’s no question @marcorubio‘s priorities are out of line with what’s best for HI- he even forgot to include us in his campaign logo
— Mazie Hirono (@mazieforhawaii) April 13, 2015