Arya Stark, portayed by 18-year-old Maisie Williams, returns to Game of Thrones in season 5. Without giving away too much, Arya gets some training, of sorts, according to Entertainment Weekly. “It’s a form of training she’s not familiar with, and she doesn’t know why she’s doing [it],” says Williams. “One thing that frustrates her is, she’s a very logical person and she can’t understand how her training relates to her ultimate goal. And her attitude frustrates a lot of people.”
Ayra also gets a different look in season 5. When Arya throws away her old peasant boy clothes, Williams said it was such a release, “it was like, no acting required. it was totally like a next chapter. It was emotional, and so far it’s been absolutely my favorite scene to do.” Expect to see a softer, feminine look on Arya. Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 9pm on HBO.