Stand-up comedian Mathilde “Tig” O’Callaghan Notaro is the subject of the Showtime special, Knock Knock, It’s Tig Notaro. The 44-year-old has come a long way from Pass Christian, Mississippi. She was a tomboy growing up. One who failed out of high school. Notaro said she “failed three grades [eighth grade twice, and then ninth grade].” When asked if she ever earned her GED, she said “her cat ate it.”
After dropping out of high school Tig went to Los Angeles to promote bands. At an open mic, she tried stand-up for the first time. In 2011 she released her debut album, Good One. One year later she was diagnosed with cancer in both breasts. During a live stage show at Largo in LA, she addressed her cancer treatments. Many comedians, including Louis C.K. praised her work. He made audio of the performance, Live, available on his website in 2012. Notaro later released it on iTunes. Live ended up selling more records than the new Kiss album (Monster). Live was also nominated for a Grammy as “Best Comedy Album.” P.S. Tig had a double mastectomy with no reconstructive surgery. No chemo. Knock Knock, It’s Tig Notaro airs April 17 at 9pm on Showtime.