On the CBS hit drama Madam Secretary, Secretary of State Elizabeth McCord (Téa Leoni) hires a consultant after she’s humiliated at a public budget meeting. The consultant, Michael Barnow (the Secretary calls him ‘Mike B’), is feared by her staff as he’s known to sit on the sofa, give advice to cabinet members and fire people. Madam Secretary executive producer Lori McCreary says of Barnow (who comes with his dog Gordon), “He comes in as the voice of reason with an edge and a sense of humor.”
Barnow is portrayed by Kevin Rahm, aka Ted Chaough on Mad Men. With Mad Men coming to an end in the spring, expect to see more of Rahm on Madam Secretary. Rahm certainly has the TV chops for the role. Before Mad Men, he played Lee McDermott on Desperate Housewives, and Kyle McCarty on Judging Amy. Madam Secretary airs Sundays at 8pm on CBS.