The Last Man on Earth is a new comedy on Fox about the life and adventures of Phil Miller (SNL alum Will Forte) who believes he’s the last man on earth after a deadly virus sweeps the planet in 2020. Phil Miller is named after the directors of the show – Phil Lord and Christopher Miller – the two behind The Lego Movie, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and 22 Jump Street. As you can imagine from the title of the show, it’s not a big cast.
Viewers will recognize Melissa who’s portrayed by January Jones aka Betty from Mad Men. Less famous but equally funny and fabulous is Kristen Schaal, who plays Carol. Schaal started doing standup and transitioned nicely into TV (Glee, 30 Rock, Bob’s Burgers, Flight of the Conchords). If you haven’t seen her on TV, you might recognize her distinctive voice which can be heard in Toy Story 3, Despicable Me2, Bob’s Burgers, Shrek Forever, and the PBS show WordGirl, among others. The Last Man on Earth will premiere March 1, 9pm on Fox.