At BET’s 2015 Black Girls Rock! show, actor Will Smith presented his wife with the Star Power Award. When she accepted the award, her husband gave her a kiss and put his hand on her butt. People are saying the gesture dismisses “past rumors about alleged marital issues between them.” (Wow, that’s easy to quash, huh?) The Smiths might have chosen the wrong place for the sexy public display of affection–a show featuring an organization that encourages teen women to stand up for themselves.
In her acceptance speech, Jada Pinkett Smith spoke about the importance of teens – including her children, Jaden, 16, and Willow, 14 — being true to themselves. Jada brought up the recent incident in which a male baseball player joked in a tweet that teen Little League World Series star Mo’ne Davis was a “slut.” Davis was applauded for her classy response. Jada Pinkett Smith said, “If you want people to treat you like a queen, you have to act like one.” All true, but the moment when Will touched Jada’s derriere seems to be getting all the attention–overshadowing the important message.