Ashton Kutcher made a stink, so to speak, recently by calling out the woeful lack of baby changing tables in the men’s public restrooms he visited. Kutcher, a new dad, is an expert diaper changer according to his fiancee Mila Kunis. But a man needs materials to practice his art! Kutcher promised a free promo on his widely subscribed Facebook page for the “first public men’s room that I go into that has one.”
219,329 people liked Kutcher’s comment and almost 8,000 shared it. There is a solution for Kutcher’s troubles. If he simply shopped in middlebrow retail outlets like Target or Walmart he’d find they were routinely equipped with changing tables in the men’s rooms. Barnes & Noble too. Kutcher’s just going to the wrong places. His experience is evidently a little different from that of most dads–who all too rarely get praised on Ellen for doing exactly what they are supposed to do. It’s your child, you change its diaper. Congrats to Kutcher for recognizing this duty, but let’s go easy with the adulation.