Plain old ground pepper? It works against inflammation and arthritis, targets belly fat, and might even give you the edge against bad moods. To spice things up a little more, try adding a dash of cayenne pepper to your fish or meats–even your veges. Cayenne contains capsaicin, which one study says helps abdominal fat loss while also providing the kick that makes it so tasty. Bonus? Eating spicy may reduce your overall calorie intake, too.
It’s also time to restart your relationship with your old childhood pal cinnamon. The friendly spice is good for lowering bad cholesterol and controlling glucose spikes. And when things get too spicy, try adding a little coriander to your diet–it soothes the stomach. Finally the historically wonderful mustard seed. Mustard (not honey mustard kiddos!) amps the metabolism and gets your insides firing on all cylinders.