Social media is filled with snide comments like “Yeah Katherine Heigl is in the CIA–I believe that, sure.” But why not? Martin Sheen was a popular president and he once starred in a movie with ALF. Still the new Heigl show, State of Affairs, seemingly has an uphill battle just for showcasing Heigl. The social media commentary isn’t driven solely by Heigl’s acting chops (or lack thereof)–she just pisses people off. Heigl is one of those actresses people say are hard to work with–this is an especially popular opinion among people who have never been within 80 miles of a movie set! People don’t like that she left Grey’s Anatomy for the movies–how dare she dream so big? (The Heigl comeuppance could be blamed on male chauvinism, but David Caruso got the same grief leaving NYPD Blue.) It’s funny, fans loved her Grey’s Anatomy character, Dr. Izzie Stevens, and still didn’t like Heigl!
There is also word–the horror–that she wants to get paid. Really, that should make her a pariah in Hollywood, wouldn’t you think, Robert Downey, Jr.? Oh, and she got Knocked Up, a movie which worked out wonderfully for everyone but Heigl. The dudes in that movies are all beloved. How’s that happen? Maybe because she was honest about it. Some people are trying to turn the Heigl tide. The Daily Beast says it’s time to stop hating Heigl (thereby acknowledging that people do). Maybe it’s just because there are haters out there and they will always need a object. Heigl makes no apologies. And watch out: she’s looking pretty dangerous in State of Affairs.