Early termination fees are common in contracts. You know because you’re trapped in at least one deal right now–with your mobile provider, your TV provider, your spouse, whatever it is. Take those early termination fees seriously.
Because they mean it. A graphic designer in Tennessee tried to stay with Comcast–he was a business-class subscriber too–but when he moved to a new place the Comcast people never arrived, as expected, to set him up. That’s because Comcast doesn’t service the area he moved to, even though it’s just an hour away. The man reasonably said listen, I want to use Comcast, but you’re not servicing me. “They kept telling me the same thing,” he tells Nashville’s WSMV-TV, “‘You’re under contract, that’s what the contract says.’” The nearly $3,000 bill represented in a bulk sum the monthly payments he had left on his contract. For that money he would receive exactly nothing in return. After the story aired Comcast waived the fee.