“Stone Cold” Steve Austin, the retired professional wrestler who has been hailed as the biggest star in World Wrestling Federation history, launched a reality TV show this summer called Broken Skull Challenge on CMT (County Music Television). Eight athletic contestants – CrossFit trainers, Spartan Racers, MMA fighters, wrestlers, weight lifters, et al – compete in a series of physical challenges on a Hollywood set designed to look like Austin’s real Broken Skull Ranch in Texas. The last one standing after the 10 challenge/episode wins $10,000.
$10,000 doesn’t sound like a lot when you consider the winners of reality TV competition shows like Survivor and America’s Got Talent get $1 million. The grand prize on Big Brother is $500,000, and Project Runway gives away $100,000. Will Stone Cold Steve Austin be able to recruit more contestants with a measly $10,000 grand prize for Season 2? It looks like the answer is yes. According to the Broken Skull Challenge Facebook page, Stone Cold is putting out a call for those who have “the physical strength, endurance and mental toughness to compete on Broken Skull Challenge.” Those who live in Southern California, anyway. He’s not paying for airfare.