English actor Hugh Laurie who portrayed American doctor House M.D. for years on the telly just landed his first video game job. He will provide the voice of a “mischievous” character named Newton on LittleBigPlanet 3, a new entry in Sony’s popular puzzle platformer video game. Laurie said of the job: “I’m attracted to anything that I can do for the first time.” LittleBigPlanet3 will be narrated by Stephen Fry. The two Englishmen have worked together before, on the BBC TV comedy show A Bit of Fry & Laurie.
The new game’s predecessor, LittleBigPlanet2, received universal acclaim from critics. Edge praised the “dramatic and funny” cutscenes of LittleBigPlanet 2 and said, “LBP2 represents a dazzling new opportunity for creating deep, diverse and ingenious play.” Sony will launch LittleBigPlanet 3 on November 18 for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.