The video game Halo 5 hasn’t been released yet but critics like Kieran Mackintosh of Cheat Code Central are thinking that the inclusion of Halo in Halo 5’s title could “actually hurt the game.” Rumor has it that Halo’s protagonist, Master Chief, won’t be the main character in the next Halo sequel. If that’s the case, why not name it something else? Separate it from the rest of the franchise. Otherwise, you run the chances of disappointing gamers whose expectations of the highly anticipated game are already running sky high. Mackintosh gives an example of how Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor didn’t include The Lord of the Rings. That worked out alright.
Rico Suava replied to Mackintosh’s idea:“If you put too much hype onto a game it will flop no matter how amazing it will be or was… let the Mystique of the game itself happen.”