Melissa Rivers, Joan Rivers’ daughter and sometime partner in fashion law enforcement, issued a statement yesterday that said “We are keeping our fingers crossed.” Melissa’s mother, the 81-year-old doyenne of ribald take-no-prisoners comedy, has been in a medically induced coma after complications arose during a routine medical procedure she was undergoing at a clinic. The eerie silence of a comatose Rivers left a void that was immediately filled by celebrity well-wishers like Sarah Silverman and Kelly Osbourne, who “got down on [her] knees and prayed” for her “grandma!’
Whether it was the praying or the crossing of fingers, Joan Rivers is now being brought out of her coma according to a source at Entertainment Tonight. The controversial comedienne–who is also one of the most successful TV salespeople of all time–is being cared for at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.