Singer Cat Stevens (Peace Train, Wild World), also known as Yusef since converting to Islam, recently announced a six-city North American tour. His first in 38 years! However, Cat Stevens has cancelled the New York show as the paper tickets were being sold by “ticket touts” (formerly known as scalpers) at extortionate prices. It’s a state law in New York: all tickets sold for shows in NYC have to be paper.
Cat Stevens has never been a fan of ticket touts. In the 1970s, before leaving the US, he said, “I seriously considered buying the tickets off of the touts and re-distributing them to my loyal fans.” Oh well, “Looks like the peace Train is going to arrive at New York a little bit later than expected,” wrote Yusuf on his Facebook page. Cat Stevens hopes his New Yorker friends can make it to his Philadelphia show instead, which is scheduled for December 4, 2014.