The contestants on weight-loss reality show The Biggest Loser: Glory Days are all former athletes. But Lori Harrigan-Mack on the blue team stands out from the rest. She is a three-time Olympic gold medal softball player (1996, 2000, 2004) and is in four Hall of Fames (three as an individual the other as a team member–that one is in the Olympic Hall of Fame). Oh, and she also pitched the first ever no-hitter in Olympic history.
Lori’s life since retiring from competitive softball has been challenging. Lori came on The Biggest Loser weighing 301 pounds. She attributes her weight gain to a series of miscarriages (eight) which led to depression and a poor diet. She lives in Las Vegas (she played for UNLV) with her husband and 6-year-old son. She is director of security at Mandarin Oriental.