Debra Messing, set to star in the upcoming NBC dramedy The Mysteries of Laura about a homicide detective with demanding twins, was selected as a presenter for the 66th Annual Emmy Awards. The Emmys show is on–you guessed–NBC (Monday, August 25, 8ET).
NBC loves Messing. She was the dominant woman in the NBC comedy line-up for years, driving the funny, successful and socially influential Will & Grace to top, both artistically and financially. NBC bet again on Messing in 2012 to anchor its wildly ambitious showbiz drama, Smash. The Steven Spielberg-produced Smash was a glitzy spectacular that drove viewers mad as it crashed–after a promising start–on the treacherous rocks of ballooning costs, plot confusion (absurdity?) and high ambitions. It was canceled last year after a widely mocked second season. A brilliant comedian, Messing’s non-comic acting didn’t help wow audiences in Smash. She was clearly acting for an Emmy–her character in constant crisis and tears–but now she’ll have to hand the Emmy to someone else. (Hey, she’s already got one.) It’s great she gets to try again. The Mysteries of Laura premieres on Wednesday, September 17 at 8/c.