Chris Brown premiered his music video New Flame from his new album X, which will be released on September 16. Dressed in all-white, Brown and Usher sing and dance on a beach with a giant X burning behind them. Rapper God Forgives I Don’t Rick Ross is there too, singing, sitting on a white throne, shirtless.
Chris Brown also announced his joint tour with “Change Your Mind” Trey Songz. Details regarding the tour are not yet available. Why not? Well there’s a potential scheduling conflict: Brown recently rejected a plea deal on misdemeanor assault charges in DC which means he’ll need to defend himself at a trial first. (He’s accused of punching a fan, Parker Adams, who said he was just trying to take a selfie with Brown in front of the W Hotel.) Tough to get insurance on the gigs if the performer might be in jail at curtain call. A September 8 trial date has been set.