Superstar Selena Gomez is helping to celebrate and promote the We Movement. We promotes acts of service, and as Selena writes in her lovely intro, “everyone who goes to WEday has earned their way there through acts of service.” Wow, does she meet some adorable kids.
One beautiful little boy in stylish glasses tells how he helps “homeless veterans by giving them toiletries, backpacks, clothing” while another “earned (his) way into WEday by recycling and cleaning up the environment.
The girls Selena surprises are a little older and more mature than the boys — and that puts them in a position to be even more aware of Selena’s outsize celebrity and influence. The shock on their faces as Selena surprises them and congratulates them on their service and accomplishments is priceless.
“That was really cool of you,” Selena sneaks up from behind to tell one girl, whose shock at her proximity to the global superstar is wonderful to see. “You really are going to change the world with your voice,” she tells another. And Selena Gomez, of all people, should know.