CMT’s new reality TV show Racing Wives follows four young, attractive women who are married to NASCAR race car drivers and crew. The wives of Kurt Busch (Ashley) and his younger brother Kyle Busch (Samantha) are the stars, with Austin Dillon‘s wife Whitney, and Paul Swan’s wife Mariel.
While Whitney and Mariel were NFL cheerleaders for the Tennessee Titans before joining the NASCAR family, the fifth ‘wife’, Amber Balcaen, has been racing cars all her life. Amber is the only one on the show who’s a professional race car driver.
The 27-year-old Canadian-born race car driver is the daughter of pro racer Mike Balcaen and granddaughter of Racing Hall of Famer Lou Kennedy, Sr.
When not on the track, Amber spends time with her longtime boyfriend, 29-year-old Canadian football player Jordan Reaves of the Saskatchewan Roughriders. The 6’5”, 240 lbs. defensive lineman played college basketball for the Brandon University Bobcats before switching to football.
Jordan is the son of former Winnipeg Blue Bomber running back Willard Reaves and young brother of Ryan Reaves, pro ice hockey player for the NHL’s Vegas Golden Knights.
Racing Wives airs Fridays at 10 pm on CMT. [NOTE: Get the CMT Channel digital app and watch any show! It’s free to download.]