In the Family Guy episode “Boy (Dog) Meets Girl (Dog),” when Brian goes to the vet’s office he is pleasantly surprised. There he meets a female show dog named Ellie. When he learns that the winner of an upcoming show dog competition gets to breed with her, he enters the contest.
[Seyfriend played Karen in Mean Girls]
Ellie is voiced by Amanda Seyfried. Seyfried is known for her roles on Twin Peaks (Becky), Big Love (Sarah Henrickson), and Veronica Mars (Lilly Kane), and in the films Ted 2 (Samantha), Les Miserables (Cosette), Mamma Mia! with Meryl Streep (Sophie), Dear John (Savannah), and Mean Girls (Karen), among others. P.S. Seyfried is married to Life in Pieces star Thomas Sadoski. Family Guy airs Sundays at 9pm on FOX.