Bethenny Frankel finds herself reliving — or at least revisiting — the past when talk on Real Housewives of New York City turns to a film she starred in at the tender age of 24. The following fact won’t come as a surprise to those who’ve closely followed Bethenny’s business career: the movie is priced on Amazon at $300 for the DVD. That basically follows the Frankel Formula: things that Bethenny gets involved in tend to go up in value. The talk among the Housewives is about whether Bethenny needs to explain her appearance in the film — which Ramona Singer describes as “soft porn” — to her 6-year-old daughter.
[LEFT: Hollywood Hills 90028 starring Bethenny Frankel, $300
Bethenny doesn’t think she needs to — and maybe that’s because of the reviews. There are only three customer reviews on Amazon, but they add up to 4-of-5 stars for Hollywood Hills, 90028, directed by Barry Roskin Blake. “A campy fun movie” and “fun little thriller” are two accolades and though it’s “a little corny” it’s still ” not too bad to watch.” Now that doesn’t sound like something to trigger regret, does it? If you don’t know Bethenny, you can bank on this: she’s looking ahead, not backwards. She might also buy this copy so Ramona can’t.