The popular reality TV show Project Runway is launching a spin-off, Project Runway: Fashion Startup, on October 20. It’s an opportunity for fashion designers to pitch their products and businesses to potential investors. The investors are heavy hitters: designer Rebecca Minkoff, Birchbox CEO Katia Beauchamp, Gwynnie Bee CEO Christine Hunsicker, and Hilldun CEO, Gary Wassner.
One of the first entrepreneurs featured is jewelry designer Laura Wass. She is the founder of WXYZ, which is known for its modular metal jewelry and accessories. Since 2012, she’s been hand-making the unique pieces in her Brooklyn studio. She got a huge celebrity endorsement when Beyonce (is there a bigger celebrity endorsement?) wore a WXYZ head-piece in her 7/11 video (see below). The video has been watched more than 376 million times. Project Runway: Fashion Startup airs Thursdays at 10:30pm on Lifetime, right after Project Runway.