In the new AMC drama Feed the Beast on AMC, alcoholic sommelier Tommy Moran (David Schwimmer) is struggling to raise his son TJ (Elijah Jacob) while mourning the death of his wife Rie. TJ watched his mother get killed in a hit and run and hasn’t said a word since.
Rie Moran is portrayed by Christine Adams. The British-born actress is known for her roles on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Agent Weaver), The Mentalist (Lena Abbott), Terra Nova (Mira), The Whole Truth (Lena Boudreaux), and Pushing Daisies (Simone Hundin), among others. Adams is also recognized for her roles in the films The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Barbados TV reporter), Batman Begins (Jessica), and TRON: Legacy (Claire Atkinson). Feed the Beast airs Saturdays at 10pm on AMC.