BET will air The Players Awards on Tuesday night — a new collaborative effort between the NBA Players Association and the network. The show taped in Vegas — and it was a hot ticket. Fifth Harmony ditched their fans in Cincinnati when the got the invitation to perform and Jason Derulo and 2 Chainz also performed. SNL’s Jay Pharoah hosted.
[Check out: Not a Game: The Incredible Rise and Unthinkable Fall of Allen Iverson]
But of all the stars on the red carpet it was Allen Iverson who shined brightest, arriving with his wife Tawanna. After all, this was a basketball-themed show, and Allen Iverson is the realest deal in the hoopdom, offensively the best small man to ever play the game. Period. This is the guy juking Jordan on the highlight reels, a six-footer who pretty much single-handedly brought the 76ers to the NBA Finals in 2001. Iverson has had some troubles since leaving the NBA, but at any gathering of NBA players — past or present — Allen Iverson is a star among stars.