In 2006, NBC had a breakout sci-fi series called Heroes about ordinary people who discover they have extraordinary abilities. During the Super Bowl XLIX, NBC announced that Heroes will return as Heroes Reborn. Actor Jack Coleman is the first Heroes co-star to sign on for the reboot. He’ll reprise his character Noah Bennet aka HRG, aka Glasses Man.
Actor Jack Coleman is also known for his daring work on the night time soap Dynasty (1983-88). The 56-year-old played Steven Carrington, one of prime-time television’s openly gay characters. In an interview with TV Guide, Coleman said of his Carrington character: “It was quite daring at that time. I think the only other gay character in a series was Billy Crystal on Soap, and that was a comedy. But [Steven] was so timid by today’s standards, especially looking at what’s on cable, with The L Word, Queer as Folk and shows like that. Dynasty now seems unbelievably quaint.”