The new CBS psychological thriller Stalker follows two LAPD detectives who investigate stalking incidents. From voyeurism to cyber harassment to romantic fixation, Det. Larsen (Dylan McDermott) and Lt. Beth Davis (Maggie Q) need to assess the threat levels of victims before the stalking spirals out of control. Stalker premieres Wednesday, October 1 on CBS after Criminal Minds.
TV fans recognize McDermott from lots of TV roles. He played Duncan Carlisle in Hostages, Ben Harmon/Johnny Morgan on American Horror Story, Lt. Carter Shaw on Dark Blue, and Bobby Donnell on The Practice (1997-2004). So who is Maggie Q? Her real name is Maggie Denise Quigley. Her father, a Polish-Irish-American, met her Vietnamese mother during the Vietnam War. Raised in Hawaii, Maggie launched her acting career in Asia – that’s when she changed her name to Maggie Q, for the Chinese audience Q is easier to pronounce than Quigley.