Google announced the Android One project back in July. And already it looks like September 15 will be the day it launches the Android One in India, less than a week after Apple’s big iPhone 6 announcement is expected in the US (September 9). Google has been working with smartphone makers in emerging markets like India–trying to ensure the Android framework dominates the field. It’s believed that 200 million smartphones will be sold in India this year. Africa and Brazil are also booming.
Google sent out invitations to the media for the September 15 event promising an “exciting new product announcement.” 9to5google is reporting that the phones may exceed the original $100 goal, but that’s just version 1.0 of Android One. Manufacturing partners in India already working with Google include Micromax, Spice and Karbonn. Apple may end up becoming a strictly luxury item, the Bentley of mobile, while Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Motorola and more battle it out–happily–to be the Toyota and Chevrolet of the smartphone world.