In the Syfy TV movie Ozark Sharks, a family gets a shocking surprise while vacationing in the Ozarks. In a lake, they discover an agitated bull shark that wants to clear the water of all humans.
The mother of the family, Diane, is portrayed by Laura Cayouette. She’s known for h er roles in the films Django Unchained (Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly), Enemy of the State (Crista Hawkins), and Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (Rocket), among others. Cayouette is also recognized for her roles on the TV shows True Detective (Theresa Weems) and Treme (Kay), among others. Fun fact: Cayouette earned a master’s degree in creative writing from the University of South Alabama before becoming an actor. No word whether she had input on the script! Ozark Sharks will premiere on Syfy on Thursday, July 28 at 9pm.