CS Entertainment is the staid name for the inspirational entertainment juggernaut known to most people as Chicken Soup for the Soul. The Chicken Soup for the Soul franchise — anchored in the hugely popular books, originally by Jack Canfield, but also expert in videos and films — is in the uplift business. And that is the most evergreen of all business sectors. Uplift, emotional inspiration and, as Chicken Soup puts it “bringing out the best of the human spirit,” has been successfully sold to people since the dawn of time. Other businesses have come and gone, but the market in nourishing the soul lasts forever.
[pictured: Chicken Soup for the Soul 20th Anniversary Edition at Amazon]
Now thanks to a new form of Initial Public Offering (Regulation A+ IPO), Chicken Soup for the Soul can not only deliver you some peace of mind, it can deliver you a piece of the profits too — if you’re an investor. You can purchase shares on the NASDAQ, where Chicken Soup for the Soul is listed under the name CSSE, through Folio Investing (instructions to purchase shares are at the link). Share price is $12, which is right around the average price for the books. There are now countless Chicken Soup versions created for everyone from seniors and children to teenagers and people living with dementia (parents can be forgiven for sometimes confusing the last two).