On the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit episode “Patrimonial Burden,” a virginal young girl named Lane Baker (Victoria Leigh) is pregnant. Her condition makes the news — she’s one of the eight siblings who star in a reality TV show about an ultra Christian family, The Bakers. When her mother Pam (Geneva Carr) and father Frank (Christopher Sieber) find out she’s pregnant, they say they don’t see her pregnancy as a crime, they see it as a blessing. The SVU unit talks to a number of people including suspect Pete Matthews who lets Detective Odafin “Fin” Tutuola (Ice-T) swab his mouth for DNA.
Pete Matthews is portrayed by Chris Elliott. He got his start writing/performing skits for Late Night with David Letterman in the 1980s. Elliott landed his own sitcom Get a Life in the early 1990s, and then went on to appear in the films Groundhog Day (Larry the cameraman), Cabin Boy (Nathanial Mayweather), Kingpin (The Gambler), and There’s Something About Mary (her obsessive ex-boyfriend Dom), among others. Elliott is also recognized as Peter MacDougall (Amy’s awkward brother) from Everybody Loves Raymond, and as Mickey Aldrin in How I Met Your Mother. Elliott can been seen in the new sitcom Schitt’s Creek co-starring Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara. Law & Order: SVU airs Wednesdays at 9pm on NBC.