Evan V. Symon likes to make lists. “The 6 Most Badass Ways Anyone Has Ever Escaped the Country”; “9 Normal Things That Look Trippy Under a Microscope”; “5 Groundbreaking Firsts That Your History Books Lied About”; and “The 5 Creepiest Disappearances That Nobody Can Explain” all broke the one million view mark. The last broke 2m. And STILL no one can explain them. Not only are his titles irresistibly clickable but he also delivers compelling and unconventional stories to back them up. We’re not talking about Amelia Earhart disappearing we’re talking about Ray Gricar, the Pennsylvanian District Attorney who vanished while working on what would later be known as the Penn State sex abuse scandal.
Under his nom de keyboard Vercetti44, Symon posts most of his lists (which have garnered 9,310 message board posts so far) on Cracked.com, the weird-news website driven by content provided by users like Symon. (Cracked is owned by Demand Media, founded by Richard Rosenblatt, former Chairman of Myspace.com.) Before Cracked, Symon was studying cartography/GIS at Akron University. He lives in Cleveland now. As Symon likes to say “Could be worse. I could be in Detroit.”