Melissa McEwan, founder and editor of (“a progressive feminist blog about politics, culture, social justice, cute things, and all that’s in between”), started the hashtag #tellafeministthankyou on Monday. She said she did so in response to the routine harassment of feminist women on Twitter. Author of “Vagina: A New Biography” Naomi Wolf received hundreds of thank you tweets, and thanked right back. But now — what do you know? — the hashtag is also being used by anti-feminists, who see it as an ideal platform for them to voice/vent anger directly at the people they are against. Ms. McEwan believes this digital usurping proves “the fuck out of my point.”
One thing it does prove unequivocally is that a hashtag is a pretty good place for equal rights — or at least equal venom, taunting, cheerleading or gratitude. A hashtag is a public space, where people can either say thanks or thanks for nothing.